The rational climate policy
As we face up to the possibility of a winter energy crisis, it is clear that current mitigation policies have been a disastrous mistake.
It doesn’t have to be this way. For decades, governments across the world have only paid lip-service to the idea of simply adapting to the changes that climate change brings. Their stubbornness has been central in bringing us to the current emergency.
This short paper sets out the key reasons why adaptation is the only sensible way to deal with changes in the clmiate, something that mankind has dealt with for millennia. Indeed, as the paper shows, climate changes have even prompted technological breakthroughs that have benefitted humanity.
Click the image to download the report.
Three short films on climate adaptation
This project also features three short films highlighting key themes from the report.
The first looks at Bangladesh, a poster child for the alleged threat of global warming, but which in fact shows that simple adaptation measures can eliminate the risks of climate change almost entirely.
The second looks at the costs of decarbonisation – so called ‘mitigation’ – and compares it to the costs of simply adapting to any changes in the climate. The differences are extraordinary.
The final video looks at the specific problem of sea-level rise, and shows how adapting to it is much cheaper and much more effective than vain attempts to change the weather through decarbonisation.