London – 2 February: The Global Warming Policy Foundation is pleased to announce that Dr John Carr has joined the GWPF’s Academic Advisory Council.

John Carr followed an academic research career in Particle Physics and Astroparticle Particle with positions at Imperial College, Rutherford Laboratory, Lawrence Berkely Laboratory, University of Colorado and the CNRS, Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille. He was responsible for the construction of the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope which was operational at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea near Toulon from 2006-2021.
The GWPF Academic Advisory Council is composed of scientists, economists and other experts who provide the GWPF with timely scientific, economic and policy advice.
It reviews and evaluates new GWPF reports, explores future research projects and makes recommendations on issues related to climate and energy research and policy.
The other members of the GWPF Academic Advisory Council are:
Professor Gautam Kalghatgi (Chairman)
Sir Ian Byatt
Dr John Constable
Professor Vincent Courtillot
Professor John Dewey FRS
Professor Peter Dobson OBE
Professor Christopher Essex
Professor Samuel Furfari
Christian Gerondeau
Professor Laurence Gould
Professor William Happer
Professor Ole Humlum
Professor Terence Kealey
William Kininmonth
Bryan Leyland
Professor Richard Lindzen
Professor Ross McKitrick
Professor Robert Mendelsohn
Professor Garth Paltridge
Professor Ian Plimer
Professor Gwythian Prins
Professor Paul Reiter
Professor Peter Ridd
Dr Matt Ridley
Sir Alan Rudge FRS
Professor Nir Shaviv
Professor Henrik Svensmark
Dr David Whitehouse
About the Global Warming Policy Foundation
The Global Warming Policy Foundation is one of the world’s leading climate and energy policy think tanks. The Foundation is committed to providing a platform for educational research and informed debates on these important issues. Its aim is to raise standards in learning and understanding through rigorous research and analysis, to help inform a balanced debate amongst the interested public and decision-makers and to foster a culture of open debate, tolerance and learning.
GWPF Board of Trustees