Dr Susan Crockford fired for questioning received wisdom.

The Global Warming Policy Foundation has condemned Canada’s University of Victoria for suppressing dissenting views on endangered species. Adjunct professor Susan Crockford has lost her adjunct position at the university, apparently because of publicity surrounding her work on polar bears.
Dr Crockford, an expert on mammals, has shown that polar bears are thriving, with populations reaching levels not seen for decades. Her views have put her into conflict with radical environmentalists and their political allies, who have been promoting the idea that they are in imminent danger of extinction.
Dr Crockford said:
“There can be little doubt that the University of Victoria would rather stay on the right side of political extremists than protect academic freedom.
“Dr Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation said:
“This is now a familiar story, with anyone questioning climate alarmism being removed from mainstream academic life. But if universities become places for intellectual conformity and censorship, they will eventually lose the support of the public. That day cannot be far off”.
GWPF has published a paper giving further detaills of the story. The Defenestration of Dr Crockford can be downloaded here.